Alex Funnies

  • Two weeks ago Matt took Alex with him to do some errands. Before Alex left the house, I guess he had been playing around with an empty toilet paper roll. They drove around doing this and that. Then when they stopped to get propane, Alex was saying “ouch ouch” and was trying to put his hand down his pants. When Matt went over to investigate, he found the toilet paper roll stuck down his pants.  I have no idea why or what that was about.  Matt then had to walk around with a toilet paper roll in his pocket.
  • For Date night last week, Matt bought some breaded calamari and cooked up a few pieces to munch as appetizers on while Alex was eating his diner. Matt ate one. Alex ate 7. He removed all the breading and ate just the squid.  At one point he was wearing a ring of it as a bracelet.
  • A few days ago I opened the dryer and discovered a big black spider in there. It was huge! (you know – about the size of  a dime). So of course I was a tad more dramatic than I should have been… and Alex was there.  Now he won’t go near the basement alone – or near the dryer. He’s convinced the spider is still down there – even though I did kill it and remove the carcass to the garbage bin in the garage.
  • Alex has various names for me: Mama, Mom, Ma, and now Mommy. This morning at 6:56 he started singing “Mommy” over and over in all different tones. He tends to say it more like Momeee.
  • The only song Alex will sing is “Oh Canada” – he only has a few words to it, but he repeats it constantly!

6 responses

  1. A toilet paper roll in his pants?! That’s awesome! I love that he ate so much plain squid. Daniel loves shrimp with nothing on it. Perhaps he’d like squid too. “Oh Canada” is a pretty awesome song 🙂 I love that photo. What a monkey!

  2. Love the photo! What a funny munchkin 🙂 When my nephew was 3, down the front of his pants was his ‘pocket’ and he like to store his DS there when he wasn’t playing it!

  3. Spencer loves seafood in general… I should try calamari! I love that he had a toilet paper roll down his pants… huh?! Silly boy!!

  4. Funny about the toilet paper roll down the pants. With D it would be a truck of some sort, most definitely. Sounds like you have a patriotic boy…singing his OH CANADA!!

  5. I cannot believe what Alex will eat! I still remember him at Lunar New Year last year and the fish that he was eating. What a great appetite! That is so funny about the spider. I love the underwear on the head photo! What a cutie.

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