What a Week!

Seriously – what a week!  On Wednesday I mentioned that we had an offer accepted on a house Monday, Tuesday we listed…  Since then we have had our financing approved, and last night we sold our house! We are in total shock at how quickly things have moved. Mind you we are very happy things are actually working out as planned.  So we are looking at new appliances, a vacuum (we have central vac here), pricing of a fence, and so much more.  So we should be fully moved in by March 19.  We are really going to miss this place – it is an awesome home, with great neighbours, but it is time to move on to a new project.

On the home study front, we have decided to delay meeting with our AP until mid March.  Our AP is so sweet – she sent us all the paperwork so we can get it all ready to go, then when we finally meet, it won’t take as long to process.  She most likely will have paperwork done by mid April – amazing woman!  This way we can focus on the home study – and not get too over whelmed with moving and  home study paperwork at the same time.

Happy Dance!

Just received an e-mail today from Children’s Bridge – They have received our Letter of Recommendation from the MCYS and our Dossier is going to Korea today!!! 

Happy Dance, Happy Dance!!

I’m shaking and I have a perma-grin – I’m so happy right now!

Waiting… Still.

We are still waiting to hear back from the Children’s Bridge if our home study was approved by the Ministry of Child and Youth Services.  Our package was sent to the Ministry on June 18 – that is 53 days ago, almost 8 weeks.   It is supposed to take 6 – 8 weeks to hear back…   In 4 more days it will have been 8 weeks.  Once it is approved, our dossier and home study will go to Korea – then officially we will be a family in waiting!

We Signed!

Yesterday we signed our homestudy – a great start to Father’s Day!  Our AP needs to have a notary sign it this morning and then will be sending it away to Children’s Bridge this afternoon!  That means we have to get our buts in gear and finish our Dossier tonight!  Really is just the adoption letter for the South Korea Social Welfare Society that we need to finish – but it is the most important part!

Almost done Home Study…

We are almost done our home study!  I handed in all of our PRIDE homework – yes there was homework, and a letter from my thyroid specialist, and a copy of our PRIDE certificate of completion to our AP yesterday.  All we have left is Matt’s medical reports.  He is the healthy one – you would have thought his medical would have been the easy one.  But no.  He called in early May to make an appointment, and the receptionist said she could not fit him in until the middle of JUNE!  So I made him call back and get it changed.  She then got him in on the 31st of May. 

So last Friday rolled around and he called me after his apt. to let me know that his doctor had made appointments for a chest x-ray, blood work, and a TB shot at the health unit where he will have to pay $20.  I was shocked.  When I had my apt with my md, who I was able to get into see in about 4 days , I just had a small TB injection in his office and had to go back a few days later to see if the injection site was inflamed.  But now we have to wait until June 9, and then a few days after that for any results.  I am insisting that he changes his doctor – the man is incompetent.  He leaves the door open while speaking to patients, apologises over and over again, will prescribe just about anything… just a few of the issues I have.