Guess who’s…



This little pirate is!

I think Alex had a pretty sweet birthday – We had McDonalds for dinner – his selection, he got a playmobile police station and a Darth Vader light saber from us – and we spent the evening biking around the neighbourhood and putting together his new toys. [as a side note – I recommend putting together playmobile BEFORE – because there are zillions of pieces!]


On Saturday we through a pirate bash for our boy. The kids got to dress up, walk the plank, go for a treasure hunt, and play swords. A word of caution moms – foam swords hurt!  For desert – pirate cake pops!! They were very tasty!




An hour after the 8 little pirates jumped ship, we had 23 family members come over for a birthday bbq. Yes – we were all a little tired after it all – but so worth it.

After all – you only turn 5 once right?!
